Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hey, Sorry I've Been Away

I have been busy and I am sick so I haven't had time to blog much.  I think I am on the mend now but I am still rather under the whether.  I have been busily attending classes (and occasionally getting lost on the way to them) and marveling at the kid in my Psychology class who takes notes on an iPad with his iPhone (the latest generation of course) close at hand; I mean seriously, random dude do you need that many Apple products? (Also, how is the iPad?  Can I play with it for a minute?)  I also took a personality test for Psychology and you will (I'm sure) be happy to know that I am of average emotional stability and high intellect (or openness) and high agreeableness.
Sorry for the lack of posts and I promise I will get myself on a more regular posting schedule once things get a little less hectic.
Love ya!

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