Friday, December 10, 2010

Please, someone, shovel some sidewalks!

It has been a week since it stopped snowing and the sidewalks are still covered in show but now it has turned into ice so it is SUPER slippery (as my skinned elbow and bruised buttock can attest)

Anyway, since you don't want to hear about how I would reform the Scottish snow removal services here are some pictures that I took earlier this week when the snow was pretty and I wasn't feeling resentful about it.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed those, I gotta go study for my exam tomorrow (an exam on Saturday o the injustice!)

But it isn't your fault!
Love ya!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Well I had my first Scottish final exam today...

...and it went fine, though I am really tired now (might have something to do with my OH SO lovely neighbor and the fact that he just broke up with his girlfriend and seems to be trying to make up for lost time BUT I digress)
Anyway, I just had a final and I spent a fairly significant amount of time trying to figure out whether I was spelling things right (drat those extra u's that they keep sticking in words over here!) but other than that it went rather well and I am starting to get excited about coming home soon.

Now that my final is done and I have a few days before I have another I need to do all the things I was putting off, like cleaning my room and doing my laundry (I would show you pictures but I am afraid you would never speak to me again).  The laundry situation is particularity dire because, you see, I have to go outside to do my laundry and walk through about 100 yards of this and its dark and cold outside:
(excuse the funny lighting, I don't really know what happened except that it is dark at 4 here)

It just seems like a lot of work for laundry, you know? (please understand, and please still be my friends after this rather embarrassing episode...)

Anyway, I'm off to do my laundry, wish me luck (I'll need it, how sad is that that I need luck to do my laundry)!

Your rather messy friend,

Love ya!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

So much snow...

...Sorry I have been MIA, things got a little crazy around here what with exams around the corner and the fact that we have been absolutely inundated with snow (and at one point my computer crashed but you don't need to hear about that story, it was too traumatizing to share)

Anyway, this is what the view out my window has looked like for about a week
 All snowy and foggy
And pretty

(Did I mention the fog?)
(Just for reference  the top picture here is what that view used to look like.)

Weather like this is especially crazy here because it isn't as common as it is at home and they are not as good at figuring out what to do with it.  At home the snow is gone from sidewalks the day after it snows, here I have been waiting a week and it is still there making my walk to classes more difficult.

Anyway, I gotta get back to studying, exams start in two days!  (wish me luck)

Love ya!