Monday, November 8, 2010

Some random thoughts I have had today...

So you know how gmail shows adds that are relevant to your email content (for about a month while I was waiting for my visa to come through they were trying to sell me a visa to Guam) well currently my gmail is advertising a school where one can learn to be a manicurist and I have no idea why, none of the emails I have sent or received have anything to do with is very strange.

Also, while the UK has technically made the switch to the metric system, you wouldn't really know it based on day to day life.  They still serve pints, people give their heights in feet and inches and they use stones as a measure of weight.  Brief side-note; stone is such a confusing measure especially when you consider the fact that no one seems to know how many pounds in a stone, in my rigorous and scientific survey of my friends absolutely no one knew how much weight a stone represented (for your edification dear blog readers; 1 stone=14 lbs).  The only place that seems to use the metric system is my gym (which is soooo confusing, you have no idea.  The first time I went to the gym here I grabbed a weight labeled 10 and tried to do bicep curls...I thought I had gone insane until I finally worked out the whole pound vs. kilogram thing.)

And lastly, all British brands bear a label with a little crest that says, "By Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen Manufacturers of..." (with whatever they make in place of the ellipses, for example, my dish soap says "... of Soap and Detergent").  I think it is really funny and I truly hope that somewhere in the palace there is someone whose job it is to decide what companies get to be appointed manufacturers of soap and crackers and things (I also dearly hope that that person is the queen, but I think that might be stretching it).

Anyway, gonna go sleep now that I have finally finished my biology paper,
Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Well my g-mail gives me adds that read,"Is your toilet dirty?" I don't talk about toilets.
