Friday, September 17, 2010

Waiting for Classes...

I am very impatient and I want classes to start!  I have officially decided I will take Psychology (duh, its my major), Origin and Diversity of Life (an evolutionary biology course that should be interesting), and Informatics Literacy (I figure a little extra computer knowledge never goes amiss).  Next term I will take Psychology, Environmental and Community Biology (which has won teaching awards and involves farm visits, so it should be fun), and History of Medicine (a fascinating subject and a nice break from hard science courses).

I met my Director of Studies today and he is about as useful as my high school advisor was (lets just say its good that I don't need much advice).

So far I have been having a really good time even though freshers week is not really my scene.  I have found others who agree with me and I have also found that if you don't go out often you will still have friends (people need someone to whom they can tell their stories of drunken shenanigans!)

I have also been dealing with homesickness pretty well (certainly better than some people here!)  While I miss all of you back home there is so much to do and I feel pretty at home here so I am not too sad (plus I know you will all be there when I come back).
Anyway, long story short,

Love ya!

1 comment:

  1. Just always remember that we are here for you back in the States.

    Oh and this weekend I am making cupcakes (again) with out you, ha ha.

    Love you bunches, Georgia
