Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Oh My!

Well, I am exhausted (or knackered as they say here).  The last few days have been really busy (physically and mentally) and I am just so tired but things have been going pretty well.  I am making friends and figuring everything out well so that is good.  I am also trying to choose courses (unfortunately my advisor isn't much help) and I have run into a problem, I had finally found a schedule that I thought worked and I emailed the organizer of one of the courses that I was thinking of taking and he told me that the alternative lectures I had been planning to attend were in fact not running anymore due to reduced demand so now I have to decide between Cognitive Science and an evolutionary biology course and I really don't know which I should take (any suggestions?)
In other news, I saw a fox near my dorm last night, just wandering around, having a staring contest with a cat.  I was shocked but the British folks were unimpressed they said, "Foxes are like squirrels here, just pests".
Thats all for now,
Love ya!


  1. I vote for cognitive science. In fact I believe the subject should be compulsory in every high school. American advertising, media manipulation and politics give daily proof that most of us don't have the slightest idea why we do the things we do, and believe the things we believe.


  2. Hey Grandpa,
    I think I am going to swap the Cognitive Science course but only because I am already taking Psychology (and because I can take it next year). Instead I am going to take the biology and an informatics course that will help me with stats and computer stuff so that I can better understand cognitive science when I do take it.

  3. I think Cognitive science, biology and informatics are both very fasinating, It is a good thing to take them!

    -Georgia (misses you:( )
