Sunday, August 1, 2010

t-12 days

Hello August, I didn't see you coming!

No really I didn't.  Now you might wonder how I managed to miss the fact that July was almost over and I didn't, I just forgot that August came after July.

You see for the last several months all anyone has asked me is, "So when are you leaving?"  In May I answered "Oh in a few months".  In June I answered "In a couple months".  And in July I answered "Next month" and began to worry slightly about packing all my jackets and converse sneakers (I collect jackets and Chuck Taylors...its a sickness, I know, and a very expensive sickness at that.  Once I get my degree I shall diagnose my illness and cure myself but for now I am going to buy a new coat).  The issue is that now it is August and all the sudden "Leaving next month" has turned into "Leaving in two weeks".  

You would think I would have noticed the fact that I was in fact leaving in two weeks two days ago and I am now leaving in less than two weeks (gulp...) but somehow the fact that August hadn't arrived yet made the short time I had seem longer (I know it isn't rational but I'm studying psychology so I know that no one is truly rational...this fact is both strangely comforting and very terrifying*).

The point of this rambling dialogue with myself is that I am leaving in 12 days and I am rather scared...and that I need to pack...

*This reaction is also not rational but you already know that, because I told you all about the nonexistence of rationality.  I'm helpful like that.

Love ya,