Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Leaving Tomorrow!!

We have been without internet for the last week which has prevented me from posting and made it much harder for me to waste time while I wait for it to be tomorrow.  One of the many things that I have learned about myself in the last year is that I am not very good at waiting for things to happen, I like to plan and do but not to makes me all antsy and agnsty.  Unfortunately sometimes waiting is necessary so I am working on it but it is not at all fun.
Well thanks for being there y'all (I'm trying to be as american as possible before I leave),
and as always, love ya!

PS Stay tuned for an airport and luggage post tomorrow!


  1. Dear Eliza,

    Don't forget to pack a lunch — and have a great adventure!

    Grandpa & Grandma (who is up in Maine with her friend Gail)

  2. Go get 'em, Eliza!

    We'll be rooting for you.
